You may have noticed more local shops, wineries, and restaurants offering natural wine options. What exactly is natural wine? It’s a wine that is farmed organically and made without additives or processing aids. If you typically choose organic produce and limit processed foods in your diet this is the natural next step to take when choosing your favorite sipping beverage.
But does it taste good? YES! Natural wines tend to portray a “funkier” vibe than your typical glass of Sauv Blanc. They are ‘living wines’, similar to that of your favorite kombucha, and usually carry a cloudier color. They can be a bit more effervescent and will likely agree with your palate if you’re someone who enjoys sour beers.
Some typical examples of natural wines that you’ve probably already come across on a restaurant menu (remember when restaurants were a thing?!) include Orange wines or Pet Nats. That’s right, it’s not just white, red, or rosé anymore. The former are likely always naturally produced with a wide variance in taste. They’re best served chilled and enjoyed in the summertime. Pet Nats or a pétillant naturel is a natural sparkling wine that will satisfy your craving for something bubbly. Other things to look for:
While you’re expanding what’s in your wine fridge, why not look up some great female and/or minority-owned wineries? Fast Company recently highlighted a number of female-run wineries in the natural wine sector. Check out their full article here.
Did you know you can also find a wine that is low in sugar and contains less booze? Check out Sunny With A Chance of Flowers, a gluten-free, zero sugar wine brand that allows you to enjoy a summer treat without the heavy hangover.
UPDATE! Gwyneth Paltrow & Cameron Diaz recently sat down to discuss Cameron's new organic wine, Avaline. Avaline wines are made with organic grapes and free from unnecessary additives such as sugars, colors, pesticides, and concentrates. Avaline wines are vegan, non-GMO, and gluten-free The episode can be viewed on Youtube: Gwyneth Paltrow & Cameron Diaz In Conversation | In goop Health: The Sessions or listen to the podcast here.
The wine is not yet available on the Avaline website but you can sign-up to be notified when it becomes available. However, we were able to find Avaline on and we can't wait to try it! We will report back once our wine arrives :-)
As always, please enjoy responsibly!
*Additional sources:
Contributor: Olivia Iannelli