Start Your Day Smoothie
We love enjoying a nourishing smoothie first thing in the a.m. - keeping us full throughout the day. Added bonus when your get your complete servings of veggies in by breakfast!
Handful of spinach
3-4 frozen cauliflower
Handful of blueberries
½ frozen banana (for added sweetness)
Coconut water
Mix all ingredients together in your favorite blender. Add ice or refrigerate for an extra chill! Top with a sprinkle bee pollen.
Detoxing Smoothie
This detoxing recipe comes from the Medical Medium[1] . It helps eliminate all the environmental toxins from our system helping us to reset our systems.
1 Beet
½ lemon including skin
Handful of blackberries
Coconut water
Mix all ingredients together in your favorite blender. Add ice or refrigerate for an extra chill!