We like to work green into every meal. But sometimes, after making a steak or a piece of chicken - the last thing we want to do is spend more time cutting veggies. Here’s a simple salad that you can whip up in no time.
What You’ll Need:
½ package of Baby Kale (easier to chew) or any lettuce of your choice
½ package of Snap Peas
2 and ½ lemons
¼ Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Whole avocado
Salt & Pepper
What You’ll Do:
Toss kale into a bowl, squeeze ½ lemon over leaves
Snap snap peas in half, adding to green mixture
In a small bowl, whisk the juice of two lemons and ¼ cup of EVOO; add S&P
Pour dressing over salad, let saturate
This salad is so fresh and GREEN your friends with thank you for spending so much time on it. :)