Moving in nature has a number of benefits. Simply standing barefoot in grass, or "grounding" as it's called, is said to help you physiologically in a multitude of ways. According to a recent article in The Washington Post, “humans evolved in direct contact with the Earth’s subtle electric charge” and grounding can help “improve sleep, reduce pain, decrease muscle tension and lower stress.”
Here are some helpful tips to move your at-home workout outdoors.
Get Creative with Your Equipment
Bands: Resistance bands are a great choice for an affordable, portable, and very versatile fitness staple. You can even purchase mini sized ‘booty’ bands that fit perfectly in a small runners fanny pack or can be looped around your wrist for easy transport. And don’t let the name fool you, booty bands aren’t just for glute training. Wrap mini bands around your wrists for dumbbell free curls and presses, or incorporate them into plank series for additional shoulder burn.
Steps and Benches: At a park? Live near a stoop? Look around and take advantage of stairs and benches. Using elevated surfaces is a great way to change up simple moves like planks, push ups, and lunges, offering both challenges and modifications that will help you personalize your home workout. Bench step ups or stair toe taps are also a great way to get your heart rate up and help incorporate cardio elements into low impact workouts. Friendly reminder to put a towel down or sanitize your hands after placing them on elevated surfaces in public outdoor spaces.
Explore Your Cardio
No personal or private outdoor space? No problem. Get out there and explore what your neighborhood has to offer (bring your mask of course) My favorite bonus of venturing to local parks or fields for my outdoor workout? Built in cardio! Taking a brisk walk, run, or bike ride to your workout destination is a perfect warm up and cardio addition to your outdoor workout. Remember to be mindful of social distancing when choosing public spaces for your workout.
And Don’t Forget…
Sunscreen, sunscreen, sunscreen! You’re outdoors after-all. While there are a number of benefits to soaking up VItamin D - don’t skimp on caring for your skin. Click here for a list of our favorite skin care products that are non-toxic and maximize your sun protection.
Hydrate! Extra sunshine may equal extra sweat, so you’ll want to stay hydrated.
Plan Ahead. While you're enjoying your pre-workout meal at home, jot down your planned routine so you be in the workout moment when you arrive at your planned space. Also make sure to pick a space that’s safe, easily accessible and allows you to follow all proper SIP protocols.
Contributor: Olivia Iannelli